Monday, March 14, 2016

Most Popular Video Game in Italy

It was hard to find the most popular video game in Italy so rather than finding the most popular video game for this week for a specific country I decided to state some of the gaming facts that are within Italy. 
Italy has 21.0 million gamers and 5.4 million of them play games on a tablet – this equal to 25.5% of all Italian gamers. Italy is currently number 9 in the world in terms of games revenues, just before Spain. 56.5% of the gamers in Italy pay for games, higher than countries like France (56.2%) and Spain (55.3%). When looking at the monthly mobile game revenue rankings for Italy the highest rank is the number 10 position for the iPad store. Italy is ranked 12th for the iPhone store and 13th for the Google Play store. By far the largest share of the game revenues goes to console gaming, mobile games are the 2nd biggest platform in Italy.
Social/Casual games are the most popular segment in Italy in number players, followed by PC/Mac and TV console games. When it comes to cross-screen gaming, we can see that 23.7% of Italian gamers play on all screens. The computer screen is most popular, played by 93.0% of gamers – a percentage that is above average in Europe. 42.6% of the Italian gamers plays on the floating screen (tablet and/or handheld console). This is the second highest percentage in Europe – only Spain scores higher (48.6%).

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