Thursday, March 31, 2016

Most Popular Video Game in Germany

The Most Popular video game in Germany currently is Fifa, similar to most other countries in Europe sport games are gaining popularity over time specifically Fifa due to the influence of soccer on the youth during their years. Other sports such as basketball and baseball are not as popular amongst the youth as is soccer because soccer is so deeply rooted in the European Culture that it is quite hard for these other sports to take over the youth's appeal. Although Fifa tends to be the top selling game amongst European countries like Germany, Grand Theft Auto and Call of Duty are not that far behind. They may not be as popular as Fifa because maybe the tv shows and movies that the youth are exposed to their may not be on the same level as that of which is exposed to the ones in the United States.

1 comment:

  1. You did it- your blog assignment is finished. Good job!
