Sunday, May 1, 2016

Most Popular Video game in Canada

 Canada has the third largest video game industry in terms of employment numbers following the USA and Japan, with 20,400 employees, 472 companies, and a direct annual economic impact of nearly $3 billion added to Canada's GDP in 2015. Video game development is even beginning to rival the film and television production industry as a major contributor to the economy. Most popular Video Games are on the Xbox and Ps4 Consoles being Grand Theft Auto and Call of Duty very similar to the United States, possibly due to the freedom these games allow the youth to experience. Also with the online interaction these games allow you to play with people all around the world so for these Canadians these games allow for a possible connection to be created.

Most Popular Video Game in South Korea

In South Korea video games are considered to be a major social activity with most of the games being cooperative or competitive. Professional competition surrounding video games also enjoy a substantial following in South Korea—major tournaments are often broadcast on television, and have large prizes available.

The Most popular video game in South Korea unlike the European countries happens to be on the computer and is League of Legends. Pc Bangs which are computer gaming centers are very popular and are the local hang out spots for students and the youth to go to. Video Game Addiction is very serious in South Korea and the Korean government has spent millions of dollars on clinics, campaigns, and programs to minimize the problem. In late 2011 the government imposed the shutdown law, which prevents anyone under 16 from playing games online 10pm and 6 am.

Most Popular Video Game in France

Video Gaming in France is one of the largest markets in Europe. The French Government give special tax breaks to video game companies. In France video games have equal status as an artform, like other European countries soccer is the big sport to do in France, so again it doesn't come as a surprise that the game of Fifa is the most popular video game amongst the French. Computer gaming such as Minecraft and other computer games aren't that popular compared to other platforms in France but they are popular enough to still generate enough buzz amongst the French.  There are over 31 million gamers in France, more than any other country in the European Union, nearly one half of the country. It also claims that at least eight out of ten of the population has played a video game at this point and because of that it claims it is the second most important country in the video game world behind Japan. 

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Most Popular Video Game in Germany

The Most Popular video game in Germany currently is Fifa, similar to most other countries in Europe sport games are gaining popularity over time specifically Fifa due to the influence of soccer on the youth during their years. Other sports such as basketball and baseball are not as popular amongst the youth as is soccer because soccer is so deeply rooted in the European Culture that it is quite hard for these other sports to take over the youth's appeal. Although Fifa tends to be the top selling game amongst European countries like Germany, Grand Theft Auto and Call of Duty are not that far behind. They may not be as popular as Fifa because maybe the tv shows and movies that the youth are exposed to their may not be on the same level as that of which is exposed to the ones in the United States.

Most Popular Game in the United States

For the country that I will be looking at will be none other than the one I currently live in which is the United States of America. The best selling game of all time in the United States is Tetris but in the last 10 years the most popular game has been Grand Theft Auto V. I believe this is right because with all the fighting and war that kids these days are exposed to through technology such as the television and the computer it only seems right that a role playing game that takes place in a certain city in the United States where you can pretty much do whatever such as fight, shoot, steal cars, break the laws is the number one current game in the past ten years.

I think if technology would ever be censored or would expose as much gore as it does to current kids in this day and age in the United States I would expect games similar to this to continue to be the most popular type of games in the United States. These games give a sense of freedom to these kids and influences and shows them things that wouldn't be allowed in the world but in this video game world there able to enter another realm and do things they wouldn't be allowed to do without their being a consequence.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Most Popular Video Game in New Zealand

As of 2011 gaming in New Zealand has seen a big drop, although it is still a vibrant and growing industry gaming sales will hopefully increase gradually. The top selling video game similar to other countries is Call of Duty and this could be because the youth of all countries around the world are becoming appealed by this video game and also intrigued by the multiplayer interaction with people all around the world.  Another popular video game in New Zealand is Fifa and that could be because unlike basketball being the most popular sport there, soccer along with cricket is the most common sports played outside amongst everyone. I believe that these first person shooting multiplayer games will be the most popular in New Zealand over these sports game for years to come because it appeals to more of the youth because not all youth like to play sports.

Most Popular Video Game in South Africa

South Africa with its laid back society and beautiful landscape it appears that the most popular video games are casual video gaming. Casual Video Gaming sites are not as frequently visited such as Addicting Games and MiniClip, but Twitch which is a streaming website for people to watch popular gamers play their favorite games was actually started its popularity amongst the South Africans. I believe this is because with its laid back vibes being able to lie back and just relax and watch and be entertained by gamers is something that can very much interest South Africans.

The most popular video game played is Call of Duty and this could be because with its possibility of playing online and amongst your friends and since South Africa is very well connected and tends to play outside and enjoy the nature more than any other youth in other countries the ability to engage with your friends even after a day of hanging out online is very appealing to them. I believe computer games are not as popular because most computer games don't offer all the entertainment and appealing factors that most Video Game consoles offer these days.