Friday, February 19, 2016

Most Popular Video Game in Japan

The Most Popular Video Game in Japan this past year sold is called Yo-kai Watch 2: Shin Uchi (Level 5) which is sold on the Nintendo 3DS console. It is an anime based game and this game being the top selling game in Japan doesn't surprise me because of how popular anime is in Japan.  Anime which is a type of cartoon is very common amongst the youth and teens and in Japan its a sort of common ground that brings the youth together and allows them to have something in common and to talk about. Sports aren't as big in Japan compared to other countries in the world but technology and video games are very big and completive there. The games that are popular in Japan such as the one listed above as being the most popular I believe wouldn't be as popular in the UK or US because anime isn't that popular in those countries and a majority of the time when Japan creates video games they tend to only make a Japanese version of the game and no english version causing a language barrier when a person from the US or someone from another country wants to purchase the game. 

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