Thursday, February 18, 2016

Most Popular Game in the UK

The Most Popular Video Game of the past year in the United Kingdom is Fifa 16 which is a soccer based sports game that is available on almost all platforms. In the UK unlike the U.S. soccer is the number one sport there is no American Football and basketball is slowly on the rise but in the UK they grew up with soccer all their life, and with over 40,000 youth association clubs in the UK soccer is very easily accessible at a young age for them. When families get together on weekends in the UK to watch sports there is no sunday football for them in the UK but rather soccer is constantly being watched in most households, so because of that for these young teens always being around soccer whether that is physically playing or through technology it comes to no surprise to me that FIFA is the number one game sold.

I do believe the movies and television shows in the UK are a bit different than the US which might be why a game that introduces fighting and war may not be as popular there as it is in the US. Also education is at a much higher level in the UK than it is in the US so they may not have time to even be exposed to television and movies with all the time that is being put into education.

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