The most Popular Video Game in the Philippines isn't on a gaming console but rather is on the PC. There is no specific game on the computer that is popular but rather all MMO and LAN type of gaming on the computer. This is because computer cafe's which are cafe's that are filled with computers that have access to the internet for a small fee and a time limit are very popular and common around the Philippines and with it being a third world country most families don't have electronics in their home and because of that most kids after school would go to these cafe's to hang out and game together. Which makes these computer cafe's the local hang out spot and also boosting the popularity of computer gaming within the Philippines. One word: access.
"The reason that Filipinos would go out to a net cafe and play with friends is because it’s accessible anywhere at any time, not to mention that it’s much more affordable than buying a console. It’s easy entertainment. Playing games in net cafés has been so popular these past few years that some even have dividers to separate the gamers from everyone else. Even without a net café in sight, all you really need is a PC. Sure the net connection is not the best here in the Philippines, but it’s decent enough for people to still keep on playing.Even if every Filipino gamer had the resources to get a console, most would only go so far as to buy games that they’re comfortable or familiar with. That means games that are common and popular like the MGS series, NBA 2k13, not to mention the usual FPS games. Of course there are several Filipino gamers who would love to get out of their comfort zones and play something new like Mass Effect, Catherine or Yakuza, but again, these games are too pricey for the majority, that or too experimental for their taste, which is why they lean towards the comforts of PC gaming.
"The reason that Filipinos would go out to a net cafe and play with friends is because it’s accessible anywhere at any time, not to mention that it’s much more affordable than buying a console. It’s easy entertainment. Playing games in net cafés has been so popular these past few years that some even have dividers to separate the gamers from everyone else. Even without a net café in sight, all you really need is a PC. Sure the net connection is not the best here in the Philippines, but it’s decent enough for people to still keep on playing.Even if every Filipino gamer had the resources to get a console, most would only go so far as to buy games that they’re comfortable or familiar with. That means games that are common and popular like the MGS series, NBA 2k13, not to mention the usual FPS games. Of course there are several Filipino gamers who would love to get out of their comfort zones and play something new like Mass Effect, Catherine or Yakuza, but again, these games are too pricey for the majority, that or too experimental for their taste, which is why they lean towards the comforts of PC gaming.
Another plus worth mentioning is that generally Filipino gamers love playing with a friend, which is why MMO or LAN games are such a hit. Filipinos love playing with other Filipinos. Filipino gamers call out to each other, even in non-Asian servers, and find instant connection and team up, even just temporarily. Of course, there’s no doubt that there are Filipinos that love to play solo, but you can never discount the fact that Filipinos would always want to play as a group and rarely by themselves. If ever they’re going to play a game like NBA 2k13, they’d be scheduling the night between friends.So what’s the gaming scene in the Philippines like? It’s more or less a party of a dozen people dominating a small net café with their victory cries just in time for the next class."